Will Zitterich

Will Zitterich

Ames, Iowa

Will Zitterich has studied and practiced woodworking for more than five decades.  A civil engineer by trade, his creativity and appreciation for beauty is expressed in his bowls, vases, vessels, and urns.  A native of Iowa, Will has dedicated his craft to many fundraisers, church functions, and school charitable events.  He has donated numerous works of art to support ALS and Breast Cancer Awareness and Research.  The Story County Freedom Flight also enjoys his donations each year in support of Iowa Veterans.

Will’s beautifully turned pieces are food safe and have a polyurethane finish. Polyurethane finishes are one of the most durable and scratch resistant finishes available. The number of coats of polyurethane vary with each item,  though all have a minimum of 4 coats and may have as many as 15 coats of polyurethane. Most items have a gloss finish, but a few have a satin or semi-gloss finish. 

Will enhances some of the exterior surfaces of his work with metallic and acrylic paints in addition to water soluble dyes. All paints and dyes are placed on the wood pieces before any polyurethane is applied. The polyurethane protects and seals in the color preventing anything from rubbing off, and also creates a barrier between the colors and any food items.

Will’s  bowls can hold liquids for hours, and then simply be wiped out when no longer needed. They should not be placed in a dishwasher or have extremely hot liquids placed in them. Will’s vases are intended for dry flowers unless they have a glass liner. 

Will’s beautifully turned pieces showcase the long tradition of vessel forms in wood.  Yet a striking number of his pieces have strong conceptual references as he incorporates naturally occurring voids in the wood.  These vessel forms have a strong sculptural feel and highlight the beauty of the wood in both the form and the surface.