James Kerns

James Kerns

Cedar Falls, Iowa

James Kerns – Ceramics – Bio

Jim Kerns lives and creates his ceramic art in Cedar Falls, Iowa.  He graduated in 1973 from the University of Northern Iowa with degrees in both Physics and Art.  In 1967 Jim discovered clay as an elective course studying with Don finegan.  Jim has worked in clay continuously since that time.

Jim works in stoneware and porcelain, firing to cone 10 (around 2500° F), in a mild reduction environment.  Focusing on building mostly functional work, Jim makes an occasional foray into more esoteric pieces.  His work encompasses wheel thrown and slab-built ware, with the inclusion of extruded and pulled elements.  Jim’s work is recognized by his use of classic glazes and surfaces enhanced with carving, stamping, slip trailing and expressive brush work.

Jim and his wife have traveled the Midwest doing art festivals since 1969, and still on occasion do a few.  His work is represented in numerous museum collections and a multitude of personal collections.  He has also participated in many exhibitions, though that is not his focus.  One of his accomplishments was being accepted into the San Angelo Clay National, which was a great experience, but still was not as fulfilling as working face-to-face with a happy customer.

Artist Statement

(This statement is a product of years of discussions on whether clay work is art or craft.)

     The process for the making of urns;

     Clay is wet, clay dries, clay burns.

     Is it art?  Is it not?  Is it only a pot?

     You be the judge.